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Writer's pictureDavid Hill

As for Us

In the eighteenth year of the divisive king Jereboam of Israel, Abijah king of Judah set out to war against him. Outnumbered and surrounded, king Abijah was not afraid to take the battle to the nefarious Jereboam. Now, king Abijah was not a stellar character himself, but what he had to say was right and worthy of consideration (II Chron. 13:10-16). This was a battle between the people of God, and one in which the terms were based not in number but the power of God.

Our ministers are not perverted (II Chron. 13:10). It matters what the preacher says (Gal. 1:6). Salvation most certainly depends upon it and it may very well include salvation of life in this world. Some make ridiculous statements like “It doesn’t matter to me what the preacher says as long as he can get me to Jesus.” Well, in fact what the preachers says has all to do with whether or not lost souls can find the Way. There is much confusion in the world and in the church today, because one can find a preacher who will say almost anything. Not God’s messengers. It begs the question what would be considered perverted preaching in the eyes of some, or could there even be such a thing? It matters what you [priests] say (I Pet. 2:5, 9). It mattered what the priests of old said and did in service to God, and it does matter today what every Christian, who is part of the royal priesthood, says. Do you declare the truth of God in word and deed or do you pervert the gospel of Christ? It determines the fellowship of God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ with you. Who will rise in spiritual battle today to declare and mean it, our ministers are not perverted.

At that time the declaration of Judah was their devotion to God is the same (v. 11). They had not changed anything from the time of David, and the indication was they were not going to do so. Some today, even in the church, speak condescendingly about the “five steppers” or the “no music” brethren. Some have even embraced denominational statements like; “there’e nothing in the water” seeking to discount the importance of the clear New Testament doctrine of water baptism (Matt. 3:13; Acts 8:36; I Pet. 3:21). Such confused brethren’s devotions have changed, but the faithful remain confidently holding securely to the authority of the Lord (Col. 3:17)

Because of these truths and the implications thereof, the old king could say with confidence “God is with us” (II Chron. 13:12). That’s the faithful assurance one may have when abiding in God’s word. You can know the Truth (John 8:32). They knew it in the long ago and you can, too (Heb. 13:6). If God is with us, who can be against us (Rom. 8:31-32)? And if we’re with God, then we know He will do things His way on His time.

Finally, once again we see that faithfulness is proven (II Chron. 13:13-16). God’s faithfulness is proven everyday so said Jeremiah of old, who could exclaim “Great is thy faithfulness” (Lam. 3:23). His delivery was and will be realized (Rev. 3:21). As Christians we’re to take the battle to the world. Do it without fear, the battle belongs to the Lord!

David Hill

Northeast Church of Christ bulletin September 3, 2023

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